July 5, 2020

The False Choice of Sin and the Freedom of Christ

Passage: Romans 7:15-25
Service Type:

Bulletin – July 5, 2020


Call to Worship

Come to me, Jesus says.
All who are weary,
come to me.
And you, who carry heavy loads,
come to me.
For I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
Let us draw near to Jesus,
whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light.

Prayer of Confession

Merciful God, we fill our lives
with comfort and convenience,
distractions that consume our energy and time.
We chase after wealth and power
as if they could satisfy the hunger in our souls.
But you beckon us toward new life,
a life made rich through Sabbath and service.
Free us from the yokes that bind us
and draw us near to you,
until we learn to walk with Christ.

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