August 30, 2020

House Rules: Love

Passage: Romans 12:9-21
Service Type:

In the house of God, we first and foremost seek to love God and love each other with a profound yielding, mutual, supportive posture. This is challenging in a world of self-sufficiency and independence. And therefore, Christian love becomes all the more radical, subversive, and refreshing -- a balm that soothes the deep wounds of sinful division and evil.

Call to Worship

From whirlwind and burning bush,
in still of night and in sheer silence—
God calls the faithful to sacred work.
Beckoning us to turn aside,
inviting us to stand on holy ground—
God welcomes the faithful into sacred space.
Come, God is calling.
Let us worship the Lord!


Prayer of Confession

Compassionate God,
who hears the cries of the oppressed,
you call us to resist evil
and hold fast to what is good,
to take up the cross
and commit our lives to the cause of love.
But we are afraid to confront powers
that privilege some and diminish others;
we do not want to lose
the security we enjoy.
Forgive us.
Open our ears to hear your voice,
our eyes to look upon neighbors in need,
and our hearts to respond with compassion,
that we might follow the way of Christ.

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