June 21, 2020

Following a Dying Leader Into Life

Passage: Romans 6:1-11
Service Type:

When we are baptized, we pledge our allegiance to a leader who died before all the powers of the world. We align ourselves to a Risen Lord, who has overcome death. We are to sacrifice as well, put to death our sin, enslave ourselves to Christ so as to no longer be enslaved to the ways of the Empire. "The death he died, he died to sin, once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God." So it is with those who follow him.

Bulletin – June 21, 2020


Call to Worship

To you, O Lord, we lift our souls;
to you we offer our lives.
For you are good and forgiving,
and abounding in steadfast love.
In heaven, on earth, there is none like you.
Your works are beyond compare.
For you are great; you work wonders.
You alone are God.

Prayer of Confession

God of the sparrow, you tell us that the very hairs on our heads are counted. You assure us of our value in your sight and promise to never abandon us. Yet we act out of a spirit of timidity and not courage. We live as if our discipleship does not have life or death consequences for ourselves and for others. We keep silent when we should speak, and say much that ought not ever leave our lips. Forgive us, we pray, for the times we allowed injustice to go unchecked and inequity to persist without even a word of protest. In your mercy forgive what we have done and left undone. Help us to acknowledge Christ in all our actions so that he will acknowledge us before you in heaven. Amen.

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