Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:30 am. You are welcome to come earlier for fellowship and a time of preparing for worship.

We practice our worship each week as an inter-generational congregation. Members young and old gather together to sing hymns, read Scripture and speak prayers in community. We use a printed bulletin, which includes the order of service and announcements for the coming week.

We are a welcoming, inclusive church community. Country of origin, color of skin, sexual orientation, gender identity — these are the beautiful ways we manifest God’s diverse creation. We celebrate our unity in diversity at St. James and welcome all to join in with us!

Worship at St. James is guided by Pastor Seth Thomas, along with choral and musical leadership from our Music Director Leah Bruno. As well, each week we have congregation members who serve as Lector. Lectors read Scripture and guide the congregation in prayers of confession, thanksgiving, and preparing our hearts for worship.

We have a time for children each week, about 15 minutes into the service. Children are then dismissed to either spend time downstairs with our Godly Play program, or remain in the worship service with the rest of the congregation. During the Summer, children are invited to stay in worship and participate and learn along using resources from Illustrated Children’s Ministry.

Each week, we hear announcements about ways we can participate in the life of St. James, as well as opportunities to respond to the needs of our community and world through social action causes. We collect an offering in each service, where congregation members contribute their pledges and from the abundance of their resources, giving our gifts back to God. Visitors are not obligated to give, but simply welcome to participate in our gathered life together.