Don’t miss it!!

The annual Congregational Picnic, combined with the annual Salmon Barbecue, will be on Sunday, July 22, right after worship, on the front lawn. In addition to the wonderful food, we will have fun and games for all!

We will provide Salmon, garlic bread, hot dogs for the kids, and ice cream bars for dessert. Please bring a salad or side dish to share. You may also want to bring your own lawn chair (more comfy than the church folding chairs!).

Watch for the sign up sheet in your church bulletin or call the office (360-733-1325) to register.

Children’s Updates

Nursery care is available during worship, but preschool and older children are invited to stay in the sanctuary with their parents and work on scripture-related art.

Godly Play will resume in September.

Bellingham Pride Sunday 7/15

Sunday, July 15th is Bellingham Pride Sunday – celebrating the diversity of human life, promoting equal rights, increasing the visibility of the LGBTQ community, and having fun while doing so. For Sunday worship that day, we encourage everyone to wear the colors of the rainbow to church. The parade starts near the intersection of Halleck Street and Ohio Street. EVERYONE is welcome to join in and celebrate.

©2025 St. James Presbyterian Church