Note: Make sure you read to the end…there is a call to action in this email to send your “signs of resurrection” to Pastor Seth.

Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!

Easter greetings to you on this beautiful mid-April day! It was such a joy to gather for Easter Sunday worship with so many of you this weekend through our online tools and to fellowship as people of the resurrection. Even as we continue to witness the fissures in the systems of our world, forming due to the stresses put upon us all by the coronavirus and quarantine, we witness glimpses of resurrection breaking through. New life is bursting up, persisting in the face of all that we are challenged with.

It is the enduring call of the People of God to follow after the signs of life we see in the world. We are called to bear witness to where we see God at work, breaking down walls and building up new ways of drawing close in the name of Jesus. Easter is the season of resurrection for the church, where we celebrate Spring and all the ways God is bringing new life to us through the flourishing of nature and the renewal of our hearts as we respond to the empty tomb.

On Easter, I put a challenge out to our congregation to go looking for these signs of life. I wonder, where do you see new life breaking out around you? Is it in the new flowers in your garden? Is it in the smiling face of a loved one, seen through weariness, but holding on hope and love inspired by renewed connection and intimacy that this season brings? Are these signs of life in the strengthened relationships with neighbors, old friends, distant family, or co-workers who you have learned to rely on in new ways? Where is God showing you resurrection right now?

I want to challenge you to go look for these signs of resurrection — and then, like the women who ran back from the empty tomb, come back telling the stories. Can you take a picture of yourself with signs of life and resurrection? I’m posting a few photos in this email (below) of where I’m seeing resurrection around me. It is in small places, but these are profound and so very important for me to remember.

Please send photos of Signs of Resurrection to I would like to create a photo montage of all that we share so we can witness and celebrate the resurrection together. If you can send them to me by the end of the week, I’ll try to get something together for our upcoming Sunday worship service!

Thank you and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, now and always.

Pastor Seth

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