The Unfair Way of God
Bible Text: Matthew 21:23-32 | Preacher: Rev. Seth J. Thomas | Series: Parables & Prophets | September 27, 2020 Bulletin
Comfort Comfort Now My People GTG #87
At the Name of Jesus GTG #264
Fairest Lord Jesus GTG #630
CALL TO WORSHIP Faye Hill, Lector
Listen, O people, to holy teaching;
tune your ears to hear God’s word.
We gather to proclaim our sacred story,
to tell of God’s wondrous deeds.
Come, O people, into holy space
to worship the Lord, our sustainer and guide.
Let us turn to God in prayer and praise.
HYMN OF PRAISE “Comfort, Comfort Now My People” – GTG #87
Loving Lord, you desire that we have
the same mind as Christ
and imitate his compassionate service.
But our minds are fixed on attitudes and ambitions
that draw us away from you.
We labor for ourselves
and attend to the needs of a precious few
before considering how our time and talents
could bless the world.
We look up to the rich and famous
and overlook the lowly
rather than affirming the dignity of all.
Transform us, we pray.
By your grace, give us the same mind
and the same love
as our Lord Jesus Christ,
and work within us
until our actions bear witness
to the faith our tongues confess. Amen.
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