September 20, 2020

Agitating the Privileged

Passage: Matthew 20:1-16
Service Type:

The parables and prophets of the Scriptures agitate our privileged vantage point, disrupting how we believe God's grace is "supposed to work" to illuminate the radical way of welcoming all, calling all to repentance, showing us all a belonging in the loving family of God.

September 20, 2020 Bulletin


Draw near to the Lord,
who hears our pleas and our praise.
We come to rest in God’s holy presence.
Here is bread that the Lord provides;
here is manna to nourish our souls.
We gather to feast on God’s sustaining Word.
Remember the Lord’s wonderful works each evening;
see God’s glory with the morning’s light.
Come, let us worship the Lord!

HYMN OF PRAISE “O Worship the King, All Glorious Above!”
GTG #41


Lord, your generosity surprises us.
For you do not mete out grace
according to how hard we work,
or how often we worship,
or how closely we follow the rules.
No, you lavish grace upon us
according to your own desire.
But we insist on deciding
who is deserving and who is not.
We grumble that some receive too little
while others have more than they deserve.
Forgive us, we pray.
Help us to live with humility and gratitude
so that our words and deeds
might embody your grace. Amen.

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