Happy early summer, everyone! You may recall from several months back that the sanctuary will be undergoing a “refresh” project. It all began with the idea of replacing the carpet, and has grown to include several things to be updated – the carpet, the tile under the pews, the walls, and even the pews themselves!

The Refresh Project committee is made up of Aaron Caruso, Brian Johnson, Claude Hill, and Jenny Sue LeSchander. We’ve been working hard to get decisions made, the sanctuary ready, and balls rolling and today, Monday 5/11, the real work begins.

First the carpet will be removed (both in the sanctuary and the balcony); then the stone wall at the front will be steam cleaned and “enhanced” (it’s not a sealant, but a product that will allow the color of the stone to really show itself,) the pillars will be cleaned and finished, and all sheet rock – from the back of the balcony all the way to the bottom of the stairwells on either side of the sacristy are – will be painted; then an asbestos abatement team will come in to remove the tile that was under the pews; new vinyl flooring will replace the tiles, and new carpeting will be laid in the sanctuary and the balcony.

Meanwhile, since the pews had to be removed for all of this work, they went to a finish house where they’re getting cleaned up and refinished. Claude has been doing some side work (of course!) and has shortened 2 pews so we can have 2 more spaces for wheelchair seating, and he’s also refinished the pulpit, the lectern, and is working on the communion table too. We also hope to get drop microphones over the choir area, and better lighting throughout.

After being out of the sanctuary for so long, we know you’ll be excited to step back into that beautiful space no matter how it looks. But know that we’ll be doubly blessed with a cleaner, fresher version of what we all last saw. We can’t wait!!

  1. May 17, 2020


    Thank you, thank you so very much for all your hard work and dedication to this project. Is there any help we can give, either now or later? It’s going to be just lovely!

    Blessings to you,
    Carol & Ray

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