This year’s theme is “To Mars and Beyond: Pairing Bible Stories with 20th Century Heroes”. The dates are June 24-28 for children ages 3 yrs – 5th grade. There is also a preschool-specific program for 3-4 year olds. If you are interested in volunteering or participating, register at
For the week of September 9, 2018 The following is a simple prayer practice that can be used at home or work throughout your week. Included is a short prayer, which roots you in God’s presence, followed by guided pauses for you to speak of what is on your heart, and closes with the Lord’s…
For the week of September 2, 2018 The following is a simple prayer practice that can be used at home or work throughout your week. Included is a short prayer, which roots you in God’s presence, followed by guided pauses for you to speak of what is on your heart, and closes with the Lord’s…
The people of God do many things in the world — serving, offering forgiveness, seeking reconciliation, spurring one another on in good deeds to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ’s love. From what do we draw to fuel this work? How do we know which direction to go? Where do we go to know God’s…
Bellingham Pride Festival Sunday, July 15th is Bellingham Pride Sunday – celebrating the diversity of human life, promoting equal rights, increasing the visibility of the LGBTQ community, and having fun while doing so. For Sunday worship that day, we encourage everyone to wear the colors of the rainbow to church. St. James will have a…
Don’t miss it!! The annual Congregational Picnic, combined with the annual Salmon Barbecue, will be on Sunday, July 22, right after worship, on the front lawn. In addition to the wonderful food, we will have fun and games for all! We will provide Salmon, garlic bread, hot dogs for the kids, and ice cream bars…
SAVE THIS DATE! Sunday, July 22 — for our congregational picnic, right after worship that day. Details coming soon! The C2C cooperative (volunteer) organic farm offers ripe organic strawberries for sale this Sunday during fellowship time after worship. Farmworker families learn organic farming practices on land offered by First Christian Church of Bellingham. C2CV strives…
Job Opening — Director of Children & Family Ministries St. James Presbyterian Church, a welcoming Christian community in historic Fairhaven is seeking a Director of Children and Family Ministries. This position includes the oversight of our church’s Godly Play children’s Sunday program, supervision of Sunday school teachers, outreach and connection work with families, and the…
Pulse – June 2018 – Speaking Up “I wish I’d told them how I felt.” “I’ve been holding this inside me for so long.” “Excuse me,…” Words left unsaid and truth left unspoken — we struggle with this throughout our lives. Can recall a time when you wish you would have spoken up to someone…