Stay in the loop with current happenings at St. James!
Stay in the loop with current happenings at St. James!
Stay in the loop with current happenings at St. James!
Your NEW Pulse is now available! For even more information, updates, and events check out the St. James website: or call St. James at 360-733-1325. If you would like to submit an article for the Pulse, please email it to office by the 25th of the month. Download the June Pulse You are a…
Stay in the loop with current happenings at St. James!
View this email in your browser Sign up for the One Parish, One Prisoner Team AND… Pastor’s Note – Two Things! Friends in Christ, I have two things to share this week, but first, I hope you enjoy a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend. I’m sure some of us will see each other down at the…
Stay in the loop with current happenings at St. James!
One Parish, One Prisoner service opportunity, graduation photos, and a note from Pastor Seth. View this email in your browser Pastor’s Note – Graduation & One Parish, One Prisoner Greetings, God is good! As the Spring comes into full bloom, we see the blessings of fresh flowers, green grass, and growing hope around our lovely…
Stay in the loop with current happenings at St. James!
St. James Presbyterian Climate Action Newsletter Called by God to serve 8 billion people with a sustainable earth. April 2023 Collected and edited by the Mission and Social Action Committee For questions and suggestions, contact Maureen Kosa or Carla Shafer “But ask the animal, and they will teach you, or the birds in the…