[This post was first distributed as a part of our new members’ course in September 2019 — it’s a great description of who we are and what we do!]

St. James Presbyterian Church is a welcoming, Christian community located in Historic Fairhaven. We welcome all to belong in the family of God and value lovingkindness, sanctuary, and inclusion. We practice a robust, awakening faith in Jesus Christ for the life of the world. We serve God and others through acts of mercy, solidarity, and justice. Loving Welcome. Joyful Practice. Compassionate Service.


Building & Grounds: Charged with the care for our facilities and grounds, including maintenance and upkeep, overseeing our many outside building users (which include InterFaith Coalition of Whatcom County, Alcoholics Anonymous, Bellingham Community Chorus, Bayside Preschool and Hawthorne Learning Solutions.

Christian Faith Formation: Overseeing our children, youth, and adult formation programs. Includes Godly Play for children on Sunday mornings, youth activities, and Bible studies for adults. 

Finance & Stewardship: Caring for the budget and resources of our congregation, including the annual stewardship campaign, maintenance of our church’s endowment funds, and overseeing day-to-day financial needs.

Membership: The connection point of our community, hosting gatherings and reaching out into the community through participation at events like Bellingham Pride, Western’s Red Square Fair, and Fairhaven’s Winterfest.

Mission & Social Action: Charged with the work of mission and justice work on behalf of our community, this group works with local nonprofits and social action organizations to provide our members with opportunities to serve in the areas of greatest need in the community and world. Our major partners include InterFaith Coalition of Whatcom County, Bellingham Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, and the Lighthouse Mission. Currently active projects include Family Promise of Whatcom County, Lowell Elementary volunteering, and the Multi-Faith Network for Climate Justice. 

Personnel: Manages the staff of St. James, which includes Pastor, Administrative Secretary, Director of Children & Family Ministries, Worship & Music Leader, Church Treasurer and Godly Play teachers. 

Worship & Music: Guiding the Sunday morning worshipping life of our congregation, in coordination with the pastor and music staff. Oversees the church choir, bell choir, music library, ushers, lectors, flowers and sacristy. 

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