Elders @ St. James

The Elders of a congregation in the Presbyterian Church make up the governing body of the local church, the Session. The Nominating Committee nominates candidates for Elder after reviewing eligible Elder candidates from the congregation.

The nominated candidates are voted on at a congregational meeting. Currently, there are 9 Elders assigned to Session committees based on the Elders’ skills and ministry gifts.

Elder duties include strengthening and nurturing the faith and life of the congregation; encouraging the people in the worship and service of God; equipping and renewing them for their tasks within the church and the mission in the world; assisting in worship; cultivating their ability to teach; perform duties of the sacraments when called upon; perform committee duties and attend meetings as required to further the life of the church.

Our pastor moderates our session, and the clerk of the session chronicles it. Session meets each second Sunday of the month shortly following worship service.

Current Elders:
Teresa Bowers*
Ralph Buchan*
Aaron Caruso*
Sarah Condreay
Maureen Kosa
Andrew McLaurin
Jimmy Parks
Nebiyu Tesfa
Carla Shafer**
*also serve as Trustee
** Interim Clerk of Session

Deacons @ St. James

The Deacons of Saint James are an elected board of 12 – 15 congregation members. The congregation of Saint James is divided into five parishes, and each parish is assigned two deacons. Deacons are an integral and essential part of reaching out to and providing caregiving to the congregation of Saint James.

Deacons are often called upon to visit church members who are undergoing hardship or unable to attend church due to physical or medical situations. We provide the cookie and coffee service after our church worship services, help with funerary services, and support many other events at the church. We keep in touch with members of the congregation through phone calls, cards, and visits.

This year we will sponsor an All Parish Luncheon to get better acquainted with each other. We also sponsor an All Church Picnic in July.

Contact Information

If you would like to learn more about the role of the Deacons of Saint James Presbyterian Church, you may contact the church office at (360) 733-1325 or Co-Moderators Holly Hagshenas or Merry Thomas.

Current Deacons:

Alice Bailey
Judy Buchan
Pam Gibson
Gena Gustafsen
Buzz Hagshenas
Holly Hagshenas, Deacon Co-Moderator
Julie Keyes
Valerie McBeth
Kirsten Oliver
Carla Shafer
Merry Thomas, Deacon Co-Moderator