A Good and Generous New Year As I write this article, thinking about the New Year, I keep thinking about this question that the followers of John the Baptist asked: What are we to do?  And now, looking ahead, even beyond the Season of Christmas, I’m filled with wonder (and concern) about how we do…

Advent greetings, In these first days of December, we begin the season of Advent. This is a team of waiting, anticipation, and hope. Even as the dark draws nearer and the days continue to shorten, we hope that the Light of Christ will dawn again, this time in us, as we live out Christ’s loving…

The Joy of Gathering These last few years, I have learned the deep joy of gathering with people. Being in other people’s presence, whether they are dear friends or new acquaintances, is vital. Our ability to come together and share in experiences, support one another through life’s transitions, and celebrate our collective journey is an…

This month, I need to reflect on saying goodbye to one of my dearest Bellingham cafes, The Black Drop Coffeehouse, is closing, and I need to say a few words about it.  It’s incredible how a space can hold so many memories and deep connections to the stories of our lives. The Black Drop, located…

St. James Presbyterian member and public health pediatrician Jennie McLaurin released “Designed to Heal: What the Body Shows Us about Healing Wounds, Repairing Relationships, and Restoring Community” this week! Pastor Seth read this fabulous book and wrote the following review. Pick up a copy at a local bookstore!  I remember some particularly gnarly cuts and…

Greetings in Christ our Lord, One of the central parts of our spiritual practice as Christians is the remembrance of the Lord’s Supper at the communion table. As Presbyterians, our tradition is to practice the Lord’s Supper every first Sunday of the month (and at some special services during the year). July 4, 2021, will…

“O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” Greetings, I’m pleased to send you this note today to announce the newly updated guidance from the St. James Presbyterian Reopening Task Force regarding our in-person worship. Based on Washington State guidance released in late…

Christ’s peace be with you, We are nearing the end of the Lenten journey and approaching Holy Week in anticipation of the hope on the other side of death and lament. As we discovered last year, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the Lenten journey is all the more necessary to attend to and participate in…

Lenten greetings to you. If you’re like me, at this point, a couple of weeks into the season of Lent, you’re probably struggling to keep up whatever practice or abstention you planned on Ash Wednesday. That’s how habits work — they’re difficult to start and challenging to break once engrained. This year, we need to…

The Session of St. James Presbyterian Church is pleased to present the 2020 Annual Congregational Report. Please click below to download and read reports from our Elders and Committees. St. James 2020 Annual Report – CLICK TO READ The report includes: Staff and Officers List Annual Meeting Agenda for Sunday, January 24, 2021 Pastor’s Report…

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