St. James Presbyterian Church is hiring a new Music Director! Ta Wei Tsai, our beloved music director, will be with us through July 2024 and we are seeking their replacement.

If you are interested or know someone who would be, please review and share the following Job Description (PDF included as well). Inquiries and applications can be submitted through

Job Description PDF

St. James Presbyterian Church
Job Description – Worship & Music Director


St. James Presbyterian Church seeks a Worship & Music Director who is passionate about developing choral and music programs for our welcoming, multi-generational, Christian worshiping community. 


Coordinate and lead music program

  • Guide congregational singing and other music for weekly worship in coordination with the Pastor
  • Assist in the selection of weekly worship music in coordination with the Pastor
  • Participate in special services (i.e. Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, etc.)
  • Provide variety to music program as is appropriate
  • Maintain music library and select new music
  • Coordinate or delegate leadership of hand bell choir
  • Supervise maintenance/inventory of church musical instruments
  • Develop annual proposed music budget with the Worship Committee
  • Develop volunteer congregational song leaders

Provide leadership for weekly worship

  • Encourage choir(s) in learning new choral techniques/appreciation of sacred music
  • Organize, motivate & conduct regularly scheduled choir rehearsals
  • Consult with pastor regarding appropriate hymn selection/thematic choral/special music
  • Responsible for providing special music during the 3-month summer choir hiatus
  • Provide substitute music leadership when absent

The Worship & Music Director shall be accountable to the Session through the Worship and Personnel Committees, under the direct supervision of the Pastor.

The Worship & Music Director will have a familiarity with Christian worship and sacred music. They will be proficient in piano accompaniment. An ideal candidate will have a degree in music/and or training in conducting choirs, with the ability to recruit/organize groups.

Time off
The Worship & Music Director may request Sundays away at the discretion of the Pastor and Personnel Committee. Substitute worship leadership must be arranged in advance. More details regarding time off can be found in the St. James Personnel Manual.

The responsibilities of the Worship & Music Director shall be for twelve (12) months. The choir(s) sings for a period of nine (9) months coinciding with the school year. The director will be responsible for providing special music during that three-month summer period.

All policies and benefits are governed by the St. James Presbyterian Church Personnel Policy manual.

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