Welcome to our Illustrated Ministry Compassion Camp!  We will be sharing a 5 week online alternative to our traditional in-person Vacation Bible School.

As we look around the world, what becomes clearer each day is our deep need for compassion – now more than ever.  Compassion Camp’s goal is to cultivate compassion for each other, ourselves, and the world.  Each week we will examine different places in our lives where we can cultivate compassion.

Each of the five sessions has a central theme with a scripture passage that highlights the week’s theme.  Along with the introduction of the theme and the Bible story, we will be posting links here to daily videos with crafts, music, and even yoga!  Check here Monday thru Friday for the daily video.

Video Schedule:

  • Monday: Reposting of introduction video from Sunday service, and the week’s Bible Story.
  • Tuesday:  Music with Luke!  Come learn the weekly song with our accompanist Luke.
  • Wednesday:  Craft Time!
  • Thursday:  Yoga with Rory!  Rory will guide us through some yoga sessions
  • Friday:  Wrap Up!  Make sure to send any pictures or videos to Tracy to share from the week!
At the Table
To the Neighbor
For Myself
Along the Way
With the World
Luke 15:11-32
Mark 2:1-12
Mark 12:28-31
Ruth 1:1-22
Leviticus 25


Compassion Camp Slideshow 

      Compassion Camp Slideshow

We will miss being together and hope you will share and videos to keep us connected! Please email pictures or videos, or any questions to (tracy@saintjamespres.org).  We will share pictures and videos on Fridays during the Closing, and on the final Sunday during online worship.  I will be in touch! You will be in touch! Let me know if you have questions during VBS, and please, let us know what is working well.

This is a whole new way to VBS and we want to adjust as needed through the five weeks. We pray this experience provides your family opportunities for growth, for worship, and for fun!